Remember Threads, the next "it" app that Meta launched after copying Twitter, but on a black/white theme? Well, things are not going well over there. According to SimilarWeb, 79% of Threads users on Android no longer bother to visit the app. Here's what the report says:

"The Threads android app peaked at 49.3 million daily active users worldwide on July 7, according to Similarweb estimates. But on August 7, the app was down to 10.3 million daily active users."

But it's not just the sheer number of users that has taken a nosedive into the digital pits of audience ignorance. During the early days of Threads, humans spent around 14 minutes each day on the app – Americans gave it 21 minutes – but in August, those figures dropped to a mere seven minutes.

For comparison, X aka Twitter has a global audience that "consistently" spends 25 minutes each day. The lesson?

  1. Don't copy someone else's homework.
  2. Be toxic AF to succeed on the internet.
  3. Allow NSFW content, because people like to see tiddies while expressing themselves in just 280 characters.  
  4. Sign up politicians and vegans to outrage furiously on your social app.

Also, here's a bad meme:

X pulling back Instagram audience
Credit: Imgflip

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