About Us

Athenil is a modern media company focusing on real applications of technology, and its intersection with social life and lifestyle. We strive to uncover core nuances about owning and using tech in the longer term, to its full potential instead of being carried away by its novelty.

At the same time, it is impossible not to be driven by these shiny aspects. So we shower anything new with excitement but do not push people to buy. We never push people to buy something that is not already replaceable by something cheaper or can be DIY-ed.

Another core objective we have at Athenil is to dig deeper into and uncover aspects of how big tech as well as scientific developments affect our lives for us. While doing so, we aim to accommodate different reasonable voices.

We don’t want to sugarcoat how fucked our lives can be with certain forms of technology. Without sounding like either cynics or saviours, we want to tell the world that while we are fucked, we might as well embrace it with humour.

Want to know the team or have a tip for us? Here's how you can contact us!

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