Rich man-child Elon Musk started selling a pay-to-verify service called Twitter Blue a few months ago that gives you a blue verified badge for $8 per month. A lot of absolute dumdums craving for internet validation actually bought it.

Mark Zuckerberg, the OG lord of social media, is now cooking up a similar plan called Meta Verified for Instagram and Facebook. You pay $12 per month, and in return, get a verified blue badge on Instagram and Facebook. Yeah, the same kind of badge you see on celebrity accounts.

All you need is a government ID - and some extra cash, of course - so that you can feel important to the 69+ people you follow. But unlike Twitter, Meta is feeling generous. If you pay for Meta Verified, you will also get extra protection from hacking.

And if some shit happens down the road, the customer care service will talk to you on priority, like a king. Meta verified rolls out in Australia and New Zealand this week, and will be available in more countries soon.        

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