Generative AIs, especially Large Language Models (LLMs) like ChatGPT, have set the entire tech space on fire. While this might appear to be another fad concept trailing the likes of blockchain and metaverse, both of which primarily appear to have been abandoned by tech bros for chatty machines, chat-based models are expected to reform how we use the internet.
While that is an ongoing — and slow-moving — transformation, many enthusiasts have jumped on the bandwagon and launched several meaningless products that use AI to generate something. Some are more useful, like Ask RBG (don't mistake it for RGB!), which helps you make life decisions, and thereby treads a tricky trail of commenting on ethics that many AI developers want to avoid.

The AI is inspired by the deceased US Supreme Court judge Joan Ruth Bader Ginsburg, who played a pivotal role in shaping American law. She was widely respected for her sharp legal mind, strong work ethic, and unwavering commitment to justice. Justice Ginsburg, famous by the acronym of her name, has several books in her honour, with the most famous titled Notorious RBG.
Returning to the AI, it is currently trained to answer questions with only Yes/No. But unlike other chat-based AIs that stray away from answering personal or ethical questions, Ask RBG takes the bold front and will clarify your doubts about ethical and legal aspects of emotional problems — like who gets to keep the dog after a couple splits.

AI21, the developer behind the chatbot, says it has been trained on the legal judgments by Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg during her 27 years in the United States Supreme Court. So, the responses you get from the bot should not be all fluff and have some substance.
You can definitely have some fun with Ask RBG but make sure not to use these responses as serious legal or personal advice!!