Apple's Worldwide Developers Conference (WWDC) is always a hotly anticipated event, but this year's conference is shaping up to be a dud.
Sure, there are a few new software features that Apple is expected to announce, but nothing that's really going to set the world on fire. And as for hardware, well, don't hold your breath. In fact, it's starting to look like WWDC 2023 is going to be a complete and utter snoozefest.

Credit: Apple

Here are just a few of the reasons why:

  • No new iPhones. Sure, the iPhone 14 is rumoured to be on the horizon, but it's not expected to be released until later this year. So don't expect to see any new iPhones at WWDC.
  • No new iPads. The same goes for the iPad. Apple is rumoured to be working on a new iPad Pro, but it's not expected to be released until later this year either.
  • No new Macs. And finally, there are no new Macs. Apple is rumoured to be working on a new MacBook Pro, but it's not expected to be released until later this year either.
Credit: ILounge

So what are we left with? A bunch of new software features that no one really cares about. Yawn. If you're a developer, you might want to tune in to WWDC just to stay up-to-date on the latest software news. But if you're just an average Apple fan, you can probably skip this year's conference. There's nothing to see here.

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