Sony makes cool stuff like your dream gaming console, some cool audio gear, pricey camera stuff, and weird phones. Honda, on the other hand, makes fast bikes. For some reason, Sony told Honda to work on a car, and the result of this unlikely partnership was revealed at CES 2023.

An executive discussing Sony and Honda car plans.

Say “Hello there” to the Afeela, a concept car prototype with a production model ready by 2025. Up for pre-orders, no less, and delivery next year. Sony says the AFEELA is all about the “FEELS.” Yeah, I was equally mentally disturbed when I read those words in the official press material.

 A company executive standing in front of the Sony Afeela car concept.

The car looks okay-ish, but it will offer Level 3 driving autonomy. Notably, it has 45 cameras and sensors on the inside and outside because it’s apparently the only thing the CIA wants to hack in order to liberate it and give it a taste of democracy.

All the key features of Sony and Afeela's concept car.

The car will use a Qualcomm chip for its smart features, which are exactly unknown at this point. Also, Epic Games, the maker of Fortnite, will build some entertainment experiences for the car. Of course, Sony is also imaging metaverse-y for its car.

A person discussing interiors of the Sony and Honda-made Afeela car concept.

Again, we don’t exactly know what those immersive reality experiences are going to be. At least the AFEELA’s cabin looks neat, especially than huge curved display dashboard.

The cabin space of Afeela, the concept car developed by Sony and Honda.

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