The AI wave is everywhere, and the grifters are pushing it with more passion than crypto coins. But if there is one segment that is really smiling with gleeful eyes at all these AI developments, it’s the introverts. Yeah, I am looking right at you, you screen-glued creature!

Commentary aside, there’s a new chatty on the block. Say hello to Pi, or Hey Pi. Right off the bat, I can assure you that this is the most human-like AI I’ve tested so far. It leaves the likes of ChatGPT, Google’s Bard, and Microsoft’s Bing Chat miles behind, eating salty dust of defeat.

Just have a look at the mix of fun, empathy, and therapeutic advice that Pi offered me, when I confessed that my dumb cat jumped on a cake and took a glorious dump on it:

Talking with HeyPi or Pi
Credit: Nadeem Sarwar / Athenil Media 

Pi is the brainchild of a company named Inflection, established by co-founders of LinkedIn and Google’s DeepMind AI lab. Simply put, the guys behind this company know their stuff. “Pi is designed to be a kind and supportive companion offering conversations, friendly advice, and concise information in a natural, flowing style,” says the company.

So far, I’ve found those claims to be mostly accurate. But there’s a lot more to Pi than meets the eye after having a few chats with it. Here are some of the interesting (read: extremely ambitious) promises that the Inflection is currently selling for Pi:

|| Listens and empowers, to help process thoughts and feelings, work through tricky decisions step by step, for anything to talk over.
|| Eager to learn and adapt, and gives feedback in plain, natural language that improves for each person over time.
|| Playful and silly, laughs easily and is quick to make a surprising, creative connection.
|| Transforms browsing into a simple conversation.
|| On your team, in your corner, and works to have your back.

And here's the best part. You can talk with it almost everywhere, even WhatsApp. Here are points of contact for Pi:

Instagram: (Tap Here)

Web browser: (Tap Here)

WhatsApp: +1 (314) 333-1111 (Tap Here)

iPhone app: App Store (Tap here to download)

Facebook Messenger: direct DM (Tap Here)

Have fun, and let us know how your experience has been so far. Cheers!

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